Hindi Stories for Kids

English- Panchtantra Stories

Panchtantra Stories

Ant and Dove

Bedbug and poor louse

Bell around the camel's neck

Belled camel

Big name miracle

Blind Vulture and Wicked Cat

Brahmins and demons

Brahmins, thieves and demons

Bull and Goat

Bull and Lion

Colored jackal

Copying is bad

Crow and monkey

Dissolve in color

Dog washer and stupid donkey

Dog's City Tour

Donkey in tiger skin

Dream of brahmin

Elephant and Rabbit

Enemy's selfishness

Faithful weasel

False pride

Farmer and Snake

Flattering circle

Foolish barber

Foolish camel

Foolish frog

Foolish monk and thug

Four friends and hunters

Fox and Crane - Tit as it is

Fox and sour grapes

Friend's advice

Golden swan

Golu, Molu and Bear

Greedy dog

Greedy jackal

Heron Bhagat and the crab

Honor of the king merchant and servant

Indigenous love

Indra's parrot

Jackal and Drum

Jackal and Elephant

King and the foolish monkey

King of the Birds

Lion and mouse

Lion and Sheep

Lion cat and mouse

Lion's share

Marriage of chuhiya deal

Monkey and Bell

Monkey and red plum

Monkey and two cats

Monkey and wooden peg

Monkey's liver

Musician donkey

Old man and his wife

One and one eleven

Pandit's goat

Pointless suggestion

Rat and iron scales

Sheep and Wolf

Silly talkative turtle

Sly cat's justice

Snakes and Ants

Swan and owl

The ascetic and the wicked rat

The bull and the greedy jackal

The cleverness of the rabbit

The creeps jackal

The crow and the evil snake and the wise fox

The duck and the golden egg

The effect of the accompaniment

The foolish donkey and the lion

The foolish stork and the crab

The Fox and the Crow

The Fox and the Goat

The hunter and two pigeons

The jackal and the dead elephant

The justice of the cat

The king and the potter

The Lion and the Carpenter

The lioness and the little jackal

The Lumberjack and the Lion

The monk and the mouse

The old lion and the fox

The sound of the cave

The story of Gajraj and Mushkraj Panchatantra

The strength of the organization

The Thief's Sacrifice

The wolf and the stork

The wolf came----the wolf came

Thirsty Crow

Three fishes

Tiger and the Traveler

True friends

Turtle and Rabbit

Two-headed bird

Washer's donkey

Wise Crab and Bird

Wise swan
