Hindi Stories for Kids

Cock, Dog And The Fox

Cock, Dog And The Fox

Once upon a time, a dog and a rooster were best friends. They love each other. They lived on a farm. One day he decided to see the world. So he decided to leave the farm and go into the world along the road leading to the forest.

Both the companions started the journey with great enthusiasm and excitement. At night, the rooster, according to his habit, started looking for a place to stay and went near a hollow tree and saw it. He thought it would be great for the night's stay.

The dog could crawl inside and the rooster could fly and sit on a branch. So it was settled and both of them slept comfortably at their respective places. With the first ray of dawn the rooster woke up.

For now, he has forgotten where he is. He thought that he was still in the field where it was his duty to wake the house in the morning. So standing on his toes, he flapped his wings and banged loudly as per his habit. But instead of waking up the farmer, he woke up a fox some distance away in the forest which was very clever.

The fox immediately began to see a very tasty snack. The fox, running fast, approached the tree where the rooster was sitting, he said very politely:

"A warm welcome to our forest, respected sir. I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you here. I am quite sure that we will become the closest of friends."

"I feel very lucky, kind fox," replied the rooster cleverly. "If you please go to the foot of the tree at the entrance of my house, my porter will give you a way in."

The hungry but careless fox went around the tree, as it was told, and was caught by a dog with twinkling eyes.

Education -----

People who try to deceive others sometimes fall into their own trap.
