Hindi Stories for Kids

Crab Kid and its mother

 Crab Kid and its mother

(It is better to do that work yourself than to give advice or advice to someone.)

There was a river near a village. There were many fish in the river. Many crabs also lived in the same river. A small crab lived with its mother in the same river.

One day the mother of the little crab said to her son, "My son, why do you walk crookedly like this? Why don't you walk straight? You should walk straight."

Hearing this, the little crab started walking according to the mother's instructions, but every time he was able to walk a little by the side. His mother again said that let's go a little way. But even after trying a lot, when the crab did not go away

The young crab said to the mother, "Okay mother, you show me how I should walk and I will walk as you told me."

All the animals there were also seeing all these actions of his.

Now the crab's mother said that it is okay, I will show you by saying this and after saying this, she tried to walk straight. But what is this ? The mother of the crab was also walking side by side.

 The crab's mother tried a lot, but all the efforts went in vain. Seeing this all the creatures started laughing.

 The mother of the crab saw that she was looking for the fault in her child when she herself could not.

Then a big old crab came and said that if you had seen yourself first, you would have understood this and would not have become a fool in front of everyone.

Education ---

It is better to do the work yourself than to give advice or advice to someone.
