Hindi Stories for Kids

Turtle and Duck

Turtle and Duck

The tortoise, you know, carries its house on its back. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get out of the house.

 They say that God punished him like this, because he was so lazy at home that he did not attend anyone's wedding even if he was specially invited. After many years, the tortoise began to wish that he had gone to a friend's wedding. He saw how happily the birds were flying and how the little squirrels and all the other animals were running away quickly. Everyone is always curious to see everything.

So the tortoise became very sad and dissatisfied. Now the tortoise also wanted to see the world. But one of his problems was how he saw the world.

Two ducks also lived near the pond where the tortoise lived. Both the ducks kept coming and going in the pond. He used to fly all day and go somewhere and then come back in the evening. The tortoise was a friend of both of them.

One day he met a couple of ducks and told them all his troubles.

"We can help you see the world," said the ducks. The tortoise asked how will both of you be able to fulfill my wish.

The ducks said that we will take a stick and you grab it with your strong teeth and thus we will take you far in the air where you can see the whole countryside.

But you have to be quiet." The tortoise was really overjoyed. He grasped the stick firmly with his teeth, and the two ducks grabbed it by one end, and they headed towards the clouds.

When he was going through many villages, many people saw him. Seeing them made a noise. They were very surprised. They think that this tortoise will be their king. And some other birds were also flying in the sky. They ask the duck. Is this turtle your king?

The tortoise was feeling proud and accidentally opened his mouth because of his bad habit and said, "Yes I am their king." But when he opened his mouth to say these stupid things, he lost his grip on the stick, and fell to the ground, and he collapsed on the rock.

Education ---

A fool's curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune.
